Art Journals yada yada

Another Journal.

Made from brown paper bags.

The truth is, I love ugly.

It's just me.

Grab a book, label it 'Ugly' and enjoy.

Art Journal Flip # 1

One shouldn't have favourites.  

But if one did, this would be mine.

Below is one of my journals I did a couple of years ago.  

I spent about 3 months on it, while I did other projects, and worked in other books.

I fill up books like this by playing with crayons, paint, glue, sellotape, gel pens, marker pens, coloured pencils, glitter, etc. when I'm relaxing.  

Or watching kids cricket.

I photographed most of the book.

I skipped a dozen pages towards the end because the pages weren't lying flat - the only aim I ever set out with - to make a book that can't lie flat at the end.

But I left in all my half finished, nothing pages - of which there are many, to show you that nothing has to be pretty.  Or finished.  Or ready for visitors.

Creepy Art Journal With Sticky Pages.


  1. i don't know about 'ugly', but i do love 'interesting' and 'fun' and 'yummy'! :) i think your art journals definitely fit in those categories for me. flipping through one of your art journals is fun and interesting especially. great unique to you ideas and expressions and that is more descriptive of 'art' to me than anything that has to be 'pretty', 'lovely', 'full of beauty' and all that. :) so 'art-on', my friend! awesome! :)
    just found you this morning on wonderful jennibellie's TAT! :) she is sooo encouraging and motivating! :) as a 'moody artist', i really NEED that encouragement! :) i chose 'anonymous' to publish this because i am not all that familiar with this computer stuff. lol i am located in south florida, usa and my 'arting' projects more often than not spread all over the house, quite mostly the dining room table! ;) what messes i make! sheeeesh! it takes waaay longer to sort them and clean them up than it did to make them! lol hugs to you! :)

    1. Hi You and thank you for all your kind, generous words. I was thrilled to receive your 'comment'. I am like you ... moody is where I begin, when it comes to my art. I love that you leave a trail of art about the house - it's a little bit Hansel and Gretel, no? :-D Thanks again for taking the time to say hi and if you have a blog or facebook or even a profile on Jennibellie's ning, let me know XoX
